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Complex Higher Risk Indicated Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Video

Complex Higher Risk Indicated Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)

Dr. Matthew Summers and Dr. Paul Lavigne will be using an advanced catheter-based procedure called Complex Higher Risk Indicated Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) or CHIP to open blocked coronary arteries in a high-risk patient.
Thoracoscopic Wedge Resection of Upper Lobe Video

Thoracoscopic Wedge Resection of Upper Lobe

Raffaele J. Marchigiani, M.D., presents a surgical case where he performs a video assisted thoracic surgery on a 83 year-old male.
Provider Profile - Raffaele J. Marchigiani, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Raffaele J. Marchigiani, M.D.

Raffaele J. Marchigiani, M.D., Sentara Surgery Specialists, discusses his area of focus, approach to patient care, and what's new and upcoming in Thoracic surgery.
VATS Thymectomy Video

VATS Thymectomy

Raffaele J. Marchigiani, M.D., discusses surgery in the mediastinum, specifically the removal of thymomas.
Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Video

Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Bethany B. Tan, M.D., discusses a recent case where she performed an Ivor Lewis esophagostomy, fistula resection, and an intrathoracic esophagojejunal anastomosis to address a mid-to-distal squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus and an esophageal bronchial fistula.
Low Dose CT Scans for High Risk Patients Video

Low Dose CT Scans for High Risk Patients

Bethany B. Tan, M.D., discusses the importance of Low Dose CT Scans for smokers or former smokers, age 55 and over, and how this early detection and resulting minimally invasive resections have helped decreased mortality by 20%.
Provider Profile - Bethany B. Tan, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Bethany B. Tan, M.D.

Bethany B. Tan, M.D., Sentara Surgery Specialists, discusses her area of focus, approach to patient care, and what's new and upcoming in Thoracic surgery.
Multidisciplinary Care in a Comprehensive Thoracic Program Video

Multidisciplinary Care in a Comprehensive Thoracic Program

Raffaele J. Marchigiani, M.D., discusses the programs that the Sentara Cancer Network offers to provide early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.
The Evolution of Aortic Surgery Video

The Evolution of Aortic Surgery

Animesh Rathore, MD discusses the Evolution of Aortic Surgery and shares a interesting case.
Provider Profile - Christopher Barreiro, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Christopher Barreiro, M.D.

Christopher Barreiro, M.D. Sentara Mid-Atlantic Cardiothoracic Surgeons
Invitation to Participate Video

Invitation to Participate

This is a randomized controlled trial comparing ways to instruct students about diagnostic reasoning. After enrolling on line, you will be randomized to one of three pathways.
Provider Profile - Philip J. Gentlesk, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Philip J. Gentlesk, M.D.

Philip J. Gentlesk, M.D. Sentara Cardiology Specialists

Showing 1 - 12 of 22 results

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