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Treating Allergic Rhinitis Video

Treating Allergic Rhinitis

Ashley Tromblay presents an overview of allergic rhinitis.
Provider Profile - Benjamin J. Rubinstein, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Benjamin J. Rubinstein, M.D.

Benjamin J. Rubinstein, M.D., discusses his primary clinical interests, how the field of Otolaryngology is evolving, and the active research interests at the Voice and Swallowing Center at EVMS.
Provider Profile - John T. Sinacori, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - John T. Sinacori, M.D.

John T. Sinacori, M.D., discusses his primary clinical interests, his path to medicine, and how the field of Otolaryngology has evolved to include office based procedures at EVMS to treat laryngeal disease.
Dysphonia: Causes, Evaluation, and Treatment Video

Dysphonia: Causes, Evaluation, and Treatment

EVMS Otolaryngologists, Drs. Benjamin J. Rubinstein and John T. Sinacori, discuss the Clinical Practice Guideline for Hoarseness.
Preserving Quality of Life through Minimally Invasive Surgery Video

Preserving Quality of Life through Minimally Invasive Surgery

Head and neck surgeon, Jonathan R. Mark, M.D., discusses the use of minimally invasive surgery in his practice to preserve the quality of life in his patients.
Provider Profile - Jonathan R. Mark, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Jonathan R. Mark, M.D.

Jonathan R. Mark, M.D. EVMS Otolaryngology
Medrobotics Flex® Robotic System Video

Medrobotics Flex® Robotic System

Dan Karakla, M.D., provides an overview of the Medrobotics Flex® Robot and demonstrates its effectiveness is completing a diagnostic biopsy of a tumor situated at the aryepiglottic fold and the pharyngeus.
Provider Profile - Daniel W. Karakla, M.D. Video

Provider Profile - Daniel W. Karakla, M.D.

Daniel W. Karakla, M.D.
EVMS Otolaryngology
Flex® Robotic System at the Sentara EVMS Comprehensive Head and Neck Center Video

Flex® Robotic System at the Sentara EVMS Comprehensive Head and Neck Center

Daniel W. Karakla, M.D., discusses the implementation of the Flex® Robotic System at the Sentara EVMS Comprehensive Head and Neck Center.
Sentara and EVMS, a partnership in innovative treatment Video

Sentara and EVMS, a partnership in innovative treatment

Sentara Cancer Network brings together specialized and sub-specialized physicians and clinicians and gives them access to advanced technology, research and each other - a powerful combination in the fight against cancer.
Laryngeal Cancer - Insights from Africa Video

Laryngeal Cancer - Insights from Africa

Johannes Fagan, M.D., head and neck/cranial base surgery, shares seven case studies that have helped modify the way his team treats laryngeal cancer.
FNAB, Core Biopsy, and Special Stains - Doing More with Less Video

FNAB, Core Biopsy, and Special Stains - Doing More with Less

Marc Silverberg, M.D., head and neck pathologist at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital explains methods to provide the best specimen so patients can be spared a repeat procedure.

Showing 1 - 12 of 17 results

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