Chapters Transcript Video Sentara Satellite PBK Demo Stream FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY - respective description can be placed here for future live streams mhm Yeah. Good morning. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm dr scott coming to you live from the broadcast med hospital right here in Farmington Connecticut with a 27 year old patient who is going to undergo a procedure with us today. I'm not going to try uh um the fancy words and descriptions, but this should give you a good idea. The camera that you're looking at right now would be the Sony camera, the Panasonic camera um with the set up mike, you mentioned the idea that you like a robotic camera that we could control remotely along with another Shawnee camera that could be, you know, set and forget or more of a static installed within the surgeons. Oona. And then that way you would have an opportunity to use it in between cases and kind of share the love using that. But that would be this camera here. It's really good because you get a wide shot in case like the, you know, subject kel tec block any of the other shots. We can cut between the action and it also gives your main doctor a chance to speak to the audience and keep them engaged. Especially if you do a surgical program questions coming in life. So we also have the robotic camera that we can cut as well. Um Justin you want to take control of that and just show how we can move right now. It's another shot of me but we can remotely control it right here from Farmington pan tilt and zoom. So you can see we're going to zoom right in on my patient here as we prep this is the BCM chip device that's a Medtronic device who are going to sponsor these cases. Like I mentioned obviously the advantages streaming live surgery is sometimes industry can offset those costs. So you can see that Justin has complete control and the doctor can essentially call out to him throughout the course of the surgery and he can take control from Farmington from her hub here without you having to have a camera crew even step foot in the hospital and you can see that I'm not touching that Justin's doing that all from his hub right here. I'd like to zoom in on the patient's head where I'm gonna be making the first incision with this device. I'm actually going to show you the device here. You can see that as pliers and an H. D. M. I. Cable which currently are I'm cleared for uh you know on label use or FDA approval but this patient doesn't mind. So we're gonna go with the first incision here and we're also going to be using a scope. I know that a lot of the times um these procedures that you're talking about, especially when you're in cardiology oncology we have a scope. So imagine if you will there's a davinci robot here in the room. I'm gonna uh the doctor can connect that have it set and forget as part of the setup and we can bring you and the feed. So let's show what's happening on the inside of the patient as well. So you can see real nicely here Justin as well as controlling the camera itself can also control the view. You can see I can still look down the main camera have that close up shot of the subjects, hands and the devices and see anything that's happening inside. So if this was a cardiology case we could bring in the floral matrix monitor ultrasound. If it's a robotic case we can bring in the um make o navio any of these robots. And you can also see which really fancy new folks have the luxury of being able to do as if you have you know a surgeon that's perform in this case from Norfolk General Hospital but you have a partner surgeon up in a Connecticut who wants to a moderate and in this case it will be dr mike from Southington Connecticut, let's bring in dr mike hair and you can see in the panel of the audience we can bring in remote proctor's moderators, guest stars to talk through the case. So mike, how would you have approached this patient? I would have definitely not used flyers in an html able to work on so your folks that I can see how nice that is. You know not have to fly another surgeon now and you know have that connectivity where you can connect multiple surgeons and even go a the surgeons themselves. So if I was a real complex part of the case or showing something that we didn't want to see, we could cut to dr mike and he would be able to um give some case details of background. Yeah, scott's just working on a patient right now, we're making sure everything is going smoothly and anything that's not supposed to be on camera is not on camera. Thanks Dr mike. And we're gonna cut back to the robotic feed here and my wide shot as I continue to address the audience, we can even bring up a lower third graphic here. I believe I have one loaded in. It's kind of could, but you can see we could add this entire logo, we could add, you know, my fake credentials that are definitely going to be revoked by the board when they realize the equipment that I'm using for this uh example here but the patient looks happy. Um yeah, so there's a lot of really nice functionality and different uh sources that we can connect and again, Justin's completely controlled on the shore. I just have to remember turning on my microphone and do my thing here. So the same would apply while Justin and I are pretty close to each other. The same rules would apply if we set up this equipment and Virginia and china California Justin can control everything in real time from the hub here and send it out to the global audience? Hey scott, I have a question. Absolutely. So in this scenario uh, how would you converse, like when you said, oh, there's something going on that we don't want everybody to see. How how would you all know to go to that full screen to block the video footage. Are you working in sync with us down here where I'm in somebody's ear to say, hey uh you know, we need to change the view or something. Absolutely. So we could take a cue from the doctor if the doctors like, okay, I'm going to be on this for a while. So let's go to dr mike in California, he'll give you some background why the um pliers here are, you know, not applied for FDA approval yet. The same could apply if, you know, someday and your team wanted to join the back end channel with Justin throughout and you know, tell them things like let's keep the robot filled screen, Justin can take the robot full screen. Let's go a real close up shot of the patient's head Justin can take that life to the short of the patient's head here. Like you're seeing on the program. So either just us user experience to kind of follow the ball with the doctors saying or have some day on this entire side, on the back end channel with Justin communicating, We've done it all sorts of ways, but we have, you know, complete flexibility. Great. Yeah, that looks good. Thanks any other questions, Chicago seems to be, is there already a slight lag between someone's lips moving in the audio, reaching the audience? Those are, you're seeing an audio delay? Yeah, I was the same one. Amy, do you have the stream open mic or just I think that the stream up. Let me, let me get back there. I'm multitasking. Sorry. So All right. Dr mike. Did you share the length of the stream? I'll send it again right now. So if you guys all look at your zoom messages are the zoom chat, you should see the link to the program that basically what scott is doing right now, stream to your Brandon channel. Yeah. So when I'm looking at that, when you open, uh, just be aware that you're probably also here in um, my audio coming through zoom and watching the channel from a user standpoint, we would never give them that option. Obviously this is a bit of a unique scenario because we're doing a demo today and I want to be able to converse with you folks in real time, but from an audience standpoint, they would only be watching the stream page and not see that strange delay that you're talking to me and zoom and also hearing me and your shelves on the stream page, there would never be that sort of thing. That's why I was and, and make that might have been right before you joined the call. I was just saying, um, normally we tell people when they pull up the stream page to either mute or close down some completely, but there won't be any lag or late and say other than the regular, you know, streaming late and see when you stream something out. You see it pretty real time in zoom, zooms, video teleconference and but on a channel It will be, you know, 15, 30 seconds behind what's happening in real time. But for the audience they won't see any sort of delay. They won't be joining zoom and joining the page. So there'll be no um sink or latency issues. Yeah, that was helpful. I went over to the channel and and was able to see you live with the latest built in there. It looks good. There was no um lapse between your audio and the video on the channel. Perfect. And that's just, you know, the channel is set up to give you a better idea of the audience experience. It looks a lot better on the channel than zoom and you can see to the right of your video screen. Oh no, sorry. Yeah. If you look on the channel, so you're right here, you should see an announcement, you should see Poland, you should see Q. And A. You should see the pulse that's included with any live program, whether it be with the P. B. K. Or a standard Didactic webcast. That's a social engagement tools, no extra cost to them completely customizable. But the great thing for them as it gives you a supplementary data in addition to your regular channel data. So if you didn't want a burden down your audience with a length fair registration page, you can also look to asking a couple of polls on that channel. Yes. Yeah. Question about this is Natalie question about the link out for getting the data external to Sentara. Um well I fi connections sufficient for sending the data out found or is there a requirement for uh dedicated ethernet or? So what we would normally do if you decided to move ahead with us install Justin would work with your I. T. Folks to um you know, if we were going to keep this P. B. K. And dr smith's cardiac lab for the first three cases we would make sure either identify an ethernet port that you know we could set up, make sure the appropriate provisions were made there. So there was complete separation of church and state between the ports we need for streaming and everything that you know, the regulatory powers that be don't like us touching or we can look to you know, setting up something in the wifi but away from the guest network we try and avoid wifi streaming as best practice if possible. There's some cases where we have to do it. The what we'd like to do though is not big sharing that wifi were hospital patients and guests and stuff would like to you know make them get rid of the splash page the time out that normally goes around with you know guest wifi but that's something that you know Justin has expertise in we do it where every hospital we will work with some of them are a bit stricter than others but I've never found a hospital that has yet to live stream. Okay thanks I do that's part of my role for the department is to help the liaison with our I. T. Team and get the specs and make appropriate requests pull the right team members together. Tests absolutely you and no no no problem thank you appreciate you joining this is a real important step and this is why you know if you decided to move along with the satellite purchase it wouldn't be buying it and doing a case two days later unless you had the most lax hospital I. T. Security or just some wizard that could move at lightning speed. Um you know we'd like to arrange a couple of calls in a runway and make sure that we had all those provisions made in advance of the first surgery and that includes tests, streaming and you know making sure it is set and forget so that Justin can log in is needed and stream whether we were like okay we're gonna do a case with dr smith october 1st another case november 5th and he knows okay I can tap in as long as the doctor remembers to put a battery in the microphone and turn it on, cameras don't really change position and again we have the functionality to move these robotic cameras to capture as needed. Um So we should be a all good there, you can see how easy it is and preset some of those it's about trapping, there is a jumps and you zoom cutting my ugly bald mug but yeah Right okay thank you. Very helpful. No problem. Any other questions? Mhm Yeah scott this is amy I have a question about, I know when you you showed in your demonstration using the scope so for our needs we would need um the x ray floro possibly human dynamics um uh for display so is that something that you could we would be able to test and you know we would be able to ensure that you'd be able to capture that via some cable out there. I know other companies are signaling right? Yeah I know yeah I know I know it can be done but while we kind of sell this kit as standard, I know normally we would sell it with um two robotic cameras but in speaking with mike as we've been going back and forth, I know that you know we're gonna have one robotic camera and one Sony camera because you envision this for a bigger initiatives but in terms of pulling a device out the device itself um as you know a relevant really you could pull a Davinci robot and that would be an SD I. Cable. You could pull you know uh Meiko or a Nevio which would be H. D. M. I. Um As you mentioned a lot of the ultrasound might just require um mini display port to HDMI DVI HDMI. So When we're finalizing this and you're deciding what wants to go in your cat while we can't send you 500 converters and cables. You know every feasible scenario. What we can do is you know figure out which devices your most commonly using and make sure those cables are in the cat. one of the advantages that you also have is the P. B. K. Pro that mike already has the more portable and robust one um has what's called a DaC nine in it and that can pretty much take any signal and convert it to something else. So um it would just be uh you know makes box going in there audio capture cab that we have here. So. Yeah no worries there and Justin is an expert in that. So leading up to the case in addition a test in the you know I. T. And the port security will make sure that we test that for example we do monthly case of a S. S. A mountain ST louis um it's venus access. Um What we have is a Sony camera, robotic camera ultrasound and fluoroscope. So we made sure that we could connect the fluoroscope and the ultrasound is the sources and the two cameras. So again with work where you're leading up to this, whatever you thought your most common devices would be. Right. Okay perfect. Thank you. Awesome. Any other questions or things you'd like to see demonstrated further? I'm good. I don't know Natalie, did you have any other questions at this time or I don't. Um This was very beneficial. I personal opinion. I really like when I went over to the live broadcast channel and watched from that view it was great to see the branding that could be there and you know some of the information that could surround the um what's actually being broadcast. So that was. Yeah I think it was great. I think I think it would be perfect for and fit into the structure that we already have in place which you know is definitely um what we're looking for and and truly an advantage you know going this way. So yeah I appreciate all your time and energy and to being able to demo this for us. No problem. And like you mentioned there with Brandon that's why even though it might be a bit confusing to have zoom in the channel up at the same time, we wanted to make sure we demonstrated the final user experience if you did these webcasts where it would be under the Sentara channel umbrella it would have the added functionality, a cleaned up supplementary material and like you've seen the robotic scope there and the additional views. The same could apply if we did a didactic, you know, if we did, you know three or four of these surgery but then realized one of your dogs was doing a big cmi conference that you wanted to do live like a heart of the city or something like that. Instead of having the scope is a feed, we could have a slide deck as a feed. So while the audience or in person looking at slides we can take the feed directly from the slides and put them up there. The robotic camera can be going through the panel. If there's a stage happening, the Sony camera can be a wide shot and we can, you know, basically give you a hybrid event whether or not it's like a closed conference at an in person conference. You would just like us to stream to the channel. And I think again with the channel, it's Another advantage. There is a one stop shop. You're not having to go one place for the production, one place to host it and then another place to promote it. You know, you can have us remotely take care of all the production, stream it to your channel that you've been using with us and building over the years and yours, your email lease that you already have or you know, same rules for future promotions. So yeah a lot we can be doing here. Yeah, you nailed it. You have. I'm so sorry. I do have another question that made me think of something. So if we do um the live stream production, but it's something that we would like to have recorded and available to access later, is that also part of what um is offered? We absolutely encourage that, we're recording this right now, we record everything is standard. And you know, the kind of analogy that we have is the live event is the store opening, which is great, always attracts the biggest crowds. It's impressive. But you still have to get people at your store, you know, store opening on monday what you're gonna do, Tuesday Wednesday thursday friday in perpetuity. We absolutely encourage having that content made as enduring material whether or not we have to make some edits, which again is something you can do with us and we've been doing for years or you just want to say this program was perfect as let's make it available immediately. The advantage as we can make that available at the same link. So if somebody signs up for a live show, life gets in the way they're like, damn, I really wanted to see that surgery, They can come back the next day or whenever it's approved, go to the exact same U. R. L. That the you know, live event was streaming and then on demand page as they what the enduring. So yeah, we absolutely encourage official, what's that sort of, I'm sorry I said that's really beneficial because often you struggle with, okay, we recorded it now. How do we make that recording available to the population that wanted to be on the program or that let us know ahead of time that could make it or the same link is genius. Absolutely. That's why we also with these events put registration at the same link because one of the things that we've saw, especially in the era of covid and virtual and hybrid events you go one place for the registration, one place for the agenda, one place for the live event in one place for the on demand Justin will keep all of that in a single page. Donald help you promote the people that you need to promote their and uh, we've just found it's best practice. Yeah. The more you separate things out the more you know, your margin of error increases and you lose people. Well I had to go there for the registration and I had to go, yeah, after anybody like me, you know, very short attention and patients pan for these type events. So if it's going to this place, that place, that place, I'm like, nope, it's okay. And I don't know if it was Natalie Remy, I haven't memorized your voices yet. Sorry about that. The you, whoever said that nailed it about keeping within your brand. You know, sort of kind of wrapping up this black couple comments you guys have had and questions. It's all about keeping it in your ecosystem sort of scott's point. It's all basically, you know, your brand at the forefront of one stop shop, not only for you to do any of your content marketing or you know, live events, but even to keep any of that ancillary content that you want to have available for those physicians. So if you are, if there is a referral initiative, we can have you refer a patient contact. The specialists find a doctor all within the same ecosystems. So scott's point, you're driving them to that central point of truth that you want all of your physicians to interact with and that's what one of the beneficial, um, aspects of working with broadcast men that we are, that one stop shop, not only for your vendor purposes, but for your physician purposes as well. So when they are coming in as the user experience, they can find all that additional content. Uh, any of those strategic calls to action that you're trying to drive and so forth. So it's really about keeping it all within. That's the one thing that I like to stress is keeping it all within your ecosystem. And that's one thing that we think that we do better than anybody else in the marketplace right now. Amen. And one of the advantages that your folks have as you already have most of this infrastructure, you're not like starting from scratch, you have a channel, you know how the promotions work. Mike's been doing a fantastic job of running the P B K for on demand. Obviously this is a bit more complex so Justin can serve as an extension, it has human bandwidth and do it. He does best so that, you know, mike, you can be freed up to focus on the physician lays on stuff and the marketing stuff and your day to day job without having to worry, okay. I need to take eight hours out in my day, you know, capture and scream these cardiology cases. It's like, you'll tell Justin when it needs to happen, he's done the test and ahead of time. He knows that scored here. So and we have the infrastructure extreme host and collected data here. Yeah, that sounds great. Um, and Mike actually is in the next room setting up for a video that he's getting ready to do as we speak. So, so will we be able to um playback this demo that you did? Um I actually just got a request from um, my boss to, he'd like to see it. Um, so is what you're recording something that I'll be able to share with him actually on monday in a meeting we can get the file from here up to the same page. It was in. Hopefully my hair looked okay and I didn't see any cash words during this live demo, but for sure we can put that up. Obviously the good thing is your questions will be included in the audio here as if you were a remote proctors or moderators. So um, the higher ups and the folks in your team will be able to hear the questions that you're asking in case there some of the same questions that they would ask. Yeah, that's a that's a great way to kind of envision it. Exactly. And imagine that scott is the true surgeon and we're all, you know, those remote proctors or remote receptors that are trying to watch, you know, the top service line doctor doing a top surgeon doing his, uh, what he does best with flyers and an HD my cable. Perfect. And you could also have the CMi links. So if we were doing, if we were doing something with the CMI program using the channel, would that be an opportunity as well? Oh yeah, yeah, that easily fits into um, the page where we could just add our, our link and yeah, yeah, folks would be able to either claim their credit. Yeah, that works easily. Absolutely. That's one of the um, main uses it as virtual solution. Especially during Covid. It's uh, you know, taking live virtual and live hybrid events and you know, giving them a place so that people can remotely claim cmI credit, whether or not they can't get the in person event because of, you know, restrictions or because one of the advantages of covid as physicians realized I can watch this online in four hours rather than take four days away from practice to go to an event. And you know, your folks advantage. Normally your geography, I'm assuming for these events and see mes and symposia are kind of limited to a specific zip code. You know, the Virginia region with the virtual element. They, you're turning it into a nationwide event so you can, you know, capture people from all over the country. That's what we found with our partners out in scripts in California. You know, the geography would be confined to the Marriott ballroom in san Diego. Now you have people from new york Vermont and anywhere in between joining these virtual events. That's great. Thank you very great. Thank you. Thank you so much for your time and again, thank you for being with us while I got my new Bluetooth earbuds set and uh, that water spill at the start. Again, that won't happen in an actual oh around vitamin Yeah, unless of position sneaks his Bluetooth and his air pods into the O. R. There's always the rogue, it's just inside physicians are people too, but you saw how quick it was they facts there. And again, if we're doing a one hour case, you could have has joined seven hours before that, that's included in the proposal that's in front of you right now. You know, you get a full day. So it's not like, okay, we're doing an event from three o'clock to four o'clock, we'll see at three o'clock, you know, we are best practices to have a big runway ahead to make sure everything's all set there. That's great. Thank you so much. This is perfect timing because we do meet next week to kind of go over and discuss this with some of the administration. So, um, it was great to, yeah, sneak this in beforehand. So we'll, we'll be able to, um, provide all this information. Excellent. Glad to hear. So, yeah, we'll get this link for you to share with the archive and then if you need us to join in the calls, you know, hopefully keep my men, I'm going with us and talk next steps in. Yeah, very good. Oh, good. Thank you. Yes. Thank you, everybody. And we'll play out some funky music and an ISIS and tirelessly I think Published August 26, 2021 Created by