Paul Stevenson, M.D., discusses how as one of the top rated maternity hospitals in the U.S., obstetrics and gynecology is evolving in the areas of prenatal genetic testing, enhanced safety during delivery and after, the collaboration of the care teams, and enhanced recovery after surgery.
because it's so multifaceted has just a lot of things that are going on right now in the world of prenatal care obstetrics. Uh for example, we have the ability to do genetic screening and testing like we've never done before. A recent technique called non invasive prenatal testing allows us to have more uh accuracy and screening for genetic diseases uh and doing in a way that's not invasive in that we don't have to put uh a needle inside the uterus and put the baby in danger. Uh We're able to also identify more specific diseases. Uh for example, um there's a technique that could identify a disease called tay Sachs disease and identify that even uh early in the pregnancy before you would know. Um Also we've recently had a patient that had a disease called osteogenesis imperfecta identified. And these are just a really fantastic things to know so that the patient can get ready for those special needs that that patient that baby might have. Um Also in obstetrics, we're doing great things to enhance the safety of uh mom's during delivery and afterwards with protocols that we follow. Um much like the airline follows protocols for to increase the safety of their operations. We've learned a lesson from them. Um Additionally, uh nurses and doctors are working more closely together on new techniques that can help lower our cesarean section rate and improve safety uh for patients and delivery. Um matter of fact, um uh it's a it's a collaboration with nurses and doctors in our hospital here has recently been distinguished for that ability to do that with designation is a top maternity hospital in the United States. Among the top 200 um in the world of gynecology, um We've been improving uh outcomes uh and safety and G. Y. N. Surgery by techniques uh called enhanced recovery after surgery. These are things that help the patient uh have less chance of complications during and after the surgery and gets them out of the hospital faster. Um In the world of infertility we continue to to make strides, uh not specifically in our practice but in the world of in vitro fertilization, pregnancy rates and techniques are improving, and of course we pass that on to in referrals to our with our patients.