Chapters Transcript Video What is a Mommy Makeover? Dr. Howie Levinson, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, discusses the specifics of Mommy Makeovers and the surgery options that are available. My name is Howie Levinson. I'm a plastic and reconstructive surgeon and I work for a Centra medical group. Mommy make goes uh everybody's favorite topic. So those are typically for young mommies, right? Those are usually women in their twenties, thirties and forties who have had Children who are no longer having Children and their bodies have changed as a result of aging and childbirth. Um The typical kind of work is breast work. Uh that's usually doing a breast lift. Um And oftentimes just doing augmentation, making it bigger, um restoring its size, the breast size prior to childbirth, sometimes going bigger. Not, it doesn't always need to be a lift and you can just do an augmentation just that's a classic kind of breast augmentation with an implant. Um And then there is the uh tummy tucks. So that's just tightening up the belly, getting it thin. There's no way to get rid of that extra skin that happened with childbirth with the sort of the stretching out of the of the belly. Sometimes the belly button turns to an Audi never used to be like that. Sometimes they now have the diastasis or diastasis and that's the muscles sort of apart and they get this sort of kind of curve to their belly. They no longer have that flat belly or the bikini belly that they used to have prior to Children. And all, there's, there's no amount of working out or dieting that's gonna restore any of these things. So, it's really surgical. There are non surgical, but they don't really work great. It's really primarily surgical. So, for the bellies, it's, it's classically tummy tucks and liposuctions and it's just life changing. I mean, all my patients who will get um the breast lift, the breast augmentation, uh and, or the tummy tuck and liposuction, they were all very happy. It's really life changing. It's really restoring uh to them. And so so they can live their lives and be the person that they want to be that otherwise wouldn't be possible. Published January 8, 2024 Created by Related Presenters Howard Levinson, M.D. The Center for Plastic Surgery at Sentara Princess Anne & Fort Norfolk View full profile