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Helping our Patients Live Well Video

Helping our Patients Live Well

The Supportive Care Services team at Sentara Brock Cancer Center focuses on improving quality of life for patients experiencing a serious illness.
Rising Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Younger Population Video

Rising Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Younger Population

John M. Sayles, M.D., highlights the increased risk of colorectal cancer among younger people, and how we can improve diagnosis and the subsequent treatment options.
HPV & Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Video

HPV & Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Matthew Bak, M.D., FACS, provides an update on HPV and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In this presentation, Dr. Bak discusses HPV infections, HPV's link to cancer, and the benefits of the HPV vaccine.
Colon Cancer Survivor Now Leading Health Equity Program at Sentara Healthcare News

Colon Cancer Survivor Now Leading Health Equity Program at Sentara Healthcare

Colon cancer is one of many health disparities recognized in Hampton Roads
Is Less More When Treating Patients with Radiation Therapy? News

Is Less More When Treating Patients with Radiation Therapy?

Treatment for head and neck cancers usually involves high doses of radiation given over multiple sessions. Researchers at Sentara Healthcare investigate new methods of reducing radiation doses to patients with head and neck cancers by using newer techniques and drugs.
Complex Mandibular Reconstruction: A Sentara Specialty News

Complex Mandibular Reconstruction: A Sentara Specialty

Mandibular reconstruction restores both mandible structure and function after the removal of cancerous bone. Surgeons use a fibula free flap, harvested from the patient’s own leg, to create replacement tissue for the new mandible.
Flex® Robotic System: A New Tool for Treating Head and Neck Cancer News

Flex® Robotic System: A New Tool for Treating Head and Neck Cancer

The Flex® Robotic System offers surgeons an innovative new tool in the treatment of certain head and neck cancers. Unlike other robotic systems or therapies, the Flex® Robotic System works with a patient’s anatomy to deliver precise, effective surgical treatment.
Surgical, Radiological Advancements in Head and Neck Cancer Treatment at Sentara EVMS Comprehensive Head and Neck Center News

Surgical, Radiological Advancements in Head and Neck Cancer Treatment at Sentara EVMS Comprehensive Head and Neck Center

Head and neck cancers account for almost 4 percent of all cancers occurring within the United States. Providers at the Sentara EVMS Comprehensive Head and Neck Center pioneer cutting-edge research into managing such cancers.
Team approach to Transsphenoidal Surgery Video

Team approach to Transsphenoidal Surgery

Dr. Kent Lam and Dr. Tina C. Rodrigue discuss their roles and teamwork in accessing the pituitary gland via an endoscope and the successful removal of a pituitary adenoma.
Surgical Resection of a Large Pituitary Adenoma Video

Surgical Resection of a Large Pituitary Adenoma

Dr. Tina C. Rodrigue presents a surgical case of a 18 year old with giganticism, or acromegaly, who grew 8 inches in one year due to an unusually large pituitary adenoma.
Nasal Endoscopy to Access a Pituitary Tumor Video

Nasal Endoscopy to Access a Pituitary Tumor

Dr. Kent Lam discusses his role and approach to endoscopic sinus surgery in providing access to a tumor located in the pituitary gland.
Mandibulectomy and Fibula Free Flap Reconstruction Video

Mandibulectomy and Fibula Free Flap Reconstruction

In this surgical demonstration video, Matthew J. Bak, M.D., performs a complex mandible reconstruction using free tissue transfer with the patient's fibular bone.

Showing 13 - 24 of 40 results

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