Chapters Transcript Video Frequency Specific Microcurrent Megan Still, D.C., discusses how Frequency Specific Microcurrent is used in clinic for patient treatment. Hi, I'm Doctor Megan. Still. I work at the Center for Norfolk Therapy Center and I'm a chiropractor in our clinic. We use frequency specific microcurrent. This modality sends tiny electrical currents to match the tissues in our body. Since each tissue in our body runs at a very different frequency. We also set a frequency to damaging factors, whether it's inflammation, torn and broken chronic inflammation. We basically set it to those frequencies to help get inflammation out of the specific tissue. We always try to focus on the facet joints in our spine because they're the ones compressing on our nerves. So we will usually do a program of getting inflammation out of the joints and also out of your nerves to get you out of pain. Published September 13, 2023 Created by Related Presenters Megan Still, D.C. Chiropractor View full profile