Chapters Transcript Video Top 5 Conditions Treated by Chiropractic Care Mark Bawcom, D.C., discusses the five main conditions for which patients seek Chiropractic treatment. Hello. My name is Mark Balham. I'm a chiropractor. I work at the Greenbrier Therapy Center. The conditions that I see most often of course, are low back pain. That's generally what chiropractors are known for. It can be something that's been long standing and chronic. It could be somebody that got hurt that morning. That morning we see a lot of neck pain and headaches. Shoulder pain is one hip pain is another. If somebody has musculoskeletal pain and there's not some other organic reason why they're having it, then a chiropractor can likely likely help. Published April 25, 2023 Created by Related Presenters Mark Bawcom, D.C. Sentara Therapy Center View Full Profile