Meet General Surgeon, Dr. James R. Daniels, Jr., as he discusses his areas of focus, his path to medicine, and how robotic-assisted surgery is evolving in his field.
My name is James Ray Daniels Junior. I'm one of the new surgeons at Terry's Surgery specialists. Uh working with uh, Doctor Terrell Times and Doctor Robert sources and Williamsburg. Well, I do the full gamut of general surgery, which includes lumps and bumps gallbladder surgery, hernias, uh colon surgery, intestinal surgery, thyroids. Uh One of my specific focus uh at this time is robotic surgery. I like to approach the care of my patients. Uh just like I approach my family members because I often have family members, friends, neighbors, church, family ask me questions uh about their specific medical problems. So I always tell my patients, I give you the same answers and give you the same treatment that I would get my family. I want you to feel comfortable. I want to take time out for you to answer the questions uh that you have so that you understand what you're going through. I understand that surgery can be a scary process, but I want you to understand the risks, the benefits of each procedure that we do. I want you to understand, expect the outcomes that we have for you. And I want you to be happy with the care that we provide. Um And ultimately, I, I want you to want to come back to see me if you have any other problems and refer any family or friends to me. Couple of things that uh kind of guided me towards medicine. My mother was a, a registered nurse uh which she worked in the Philadelphia New Jersey area. My father was a P CAA patient care assistant at Temple University Hospital for 35 years. And I think the combination of uh taking care of patients and having a passion for people. Uh two things that you definitely need with uh being a physician and being a surgeon that directed me towards uh going into medicine. I had several experiences with my father just uh going to work with him over the years from being an infant to up until the time I was in college of uh having an experience of being around patients, uh people that worked in the hospital, physicians, administration. So I think that kind of got it my uh decision towards doing medicine. I was uh looking in a Williams area and I thought that the uh practice here and surgery specialist uh had a void and looking at my skill set. I thought that uh that would be a natural fit for me to uh come into this program into this uh Williams area. And to bring some of the uh skills that I have specifically robotic surgery one of the uh uh more recent uh technologies and uh general surgery and surgery in general is robotic surgery. This is just a spin on the traditional laparoscopy that we've had for years. Uh robotic surgery using the da Vinci system is uh something that I've done since 2015. And uh some of the specific procedures that I do gallbladder surgery, hernia repair, both simple complex uh colon intestinal procedures. And there are other specialties that use this uh uh technique as well. Uh G Y N which is gynecology and urology as well.