Chapters Transcript Video When to Refer your Patient for Weight Loss Kristi Kratovil, M.D., discusses when a primary care provider should refer their patients to get them started on a successful weight loss journey. So my name's Kristi crowd of Ill. I work at Santerre, a comprehensive weight loss center, as the Barry attrition and medical director for the medical weight loss program. Primary care providers should think to refer anytime they have a patient with a B M. I greater than 30 patients are eligible for the medical weight loss program once they're B. M. I is greater than 30 especially if they have other co morbidity. Ease going that would that obesity may be contributing to and be potentially the reason they have them and that if we're able to treat their obesity, then we'll be able thio. Decrease medications, decrease the need for frequent visits, decrease hospitalization rates as a former primary care provider and who liked to counsel patients on obesity. Um, um, I there wasn't time to do everything I wanted to do for them, and I really enjoy working with other primary care providers and being able to help them out so that we could get their patients healthier and they could be spending their time on other things that they need to do for their patients. We do an assessment, so we dio metabolic test on them, and we also get some other measures of their of where they're at. They have to fill out a form or I'm sorry they have to fill out a history that is fairly comprehensive. That just just doesn't include. You know, I have diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol. It's also these air my daily habits. This is how I eat. This is how I live. This is my support system so that we're able Thio comprehensively treat the patient appropriately and Taylor are a program for their successful weight loss journey. Published January 26, 2021 Created by Related Presenters Kristina Kratovil, M.D. Sentara Comprehensive Weight Loss Solutions View Full Profile