Chapters Transcript Video Neurocardiogenic Syncope Watch Divyang Patel, M.D., perform a cardiac neuroablation procedure on a patient to treat reoccurring syncope. My name is Dev Patel. I'm one of the cardiac electrophysiologists at I'm gonna be walking you through a case of neuro cardiac ablation, which is a similar type of uh ablation we do for patients with recurrent syncopy. The procedure is very similar to atrial fibrillation ablations that we perform. Here. I'm scrubbing into the case we do every procedure we perform under sterile conditions. Here, a surgical assistant is grabbing the equipment and this is what the electrophysiology lab looks like. Um the screen, we use six different screens to look at electrical activity in the in the heart, look at x-ray to know where our catheters are and we use magnetic imaging and mapping systems to better map the heart. And on the top right, you can see we use intra cardiac ultrasound which lets us visualize the structures inside the heart. And here I've crossed from the right at trim into left at trim to map the left atrial site. I'm mapping here using a Octa ray mapping catheter which has electrical mapping capabilities, the left atrium and I'm looking for signals that are correspond to ganglionic plexi. Here, I'm performing ablation at interesting signals that correspond to why the patients having recurrent syncopy. Um You could see here a performing ablation with the ablation catheter um outside the left veins. There. Here's the right at map of interesting signals we found near the SVC and right atrium. We performed ablation along those spots noted in red and pink. Here's the left at map showing our abla legions corresponding to interesting signals outside the left and right veins. And this is an interior view of the left atrium. And you can see here, this is the right superior pulmonary veins. A lot of ganglionic plex sit outside there and we performed ablation of interesting fractionated signals there. Published September 26, 2023 Created by Related Presenters Divyang Patel, M.D. Sentara Cardiology Specialists View Full Profile